What to do when the horse runs out?
Hello! I am Daniela from ACS (Sport Horse Training)
This is my first post in collaboration with TVDM Blog. I'm really happy to be part of the new "team" and I really hope I can contribute to making this project unique.
This post, of the "horse that leaks", was born the day when Layla (still mine) gave the best of herself.
Back home, I was reminded of a request from a blog reader who didn't know how to deal with her horse. The latter took every little chance to make a few bumps here and there. I decided to rely on a direct experience. Concrete examples make the idea better and better.
Layla, that day, seemed really possessed by the devil and all that work served only to arrive at a minimum of serenity. Objective: To succeed in putting the leg without taking it like a spring.
Nothing else was possible (at home I had made a whole work plan for that day ...) and it was already so much to get to that! A few days before she had been almost lazy. Foals ...
Personally, I prefer the charge to phlegm, but neither is good when you want to do constructive work.
(That day I think it was due to the fact that the others were eating !!!!! I had the fantastic idea of pulling it out right then ... he must not have loved the choice ...)
The young horse is full of enthusiasm and energy, which, in itself, is nothing serious, indeed. It is good that they prove to have character!
Among small cheered and dangerous bucking there are an infinite number of possible scenarios, in fact there is no universal secret to avoid them. But there is some little trick to know to avoid unpleasant surprises.
Meanwhile, before getting into the saddle, if the horse has been in the pits for some time, it is better to let him spend time outside, in the paddock or in the field, alone or in company. The top would be if it were always out, then the episodes of excessive euphoria disappear completely, but in a few cases this is possible.
Anyway ... if the horse has the opportunity to "vent" the surplus energy accumulated on its own, it is better for him (who does not unleash himself with being mounted) than for us (because we avoid hurting ourselves or having to fight).
If then I still notice too much enthusiasm, before going up, I ride the horse to the rope. Here I don't make him run mad, but I start working, I make him do some warming up, trying to make him keep his attention on me and trying to control him a little bit already (By the way, it's possible on the rope do much more than what we are used to do, see also my latest book: "Rope work - With and without a rider").
If we are dealing with a funny guy, then some cheer will be inevitable, especially in the cold months ... let's stay ready! If we already expect it, we keep the stirrups shorter than a hole and keep the "safety attitude" (tip of the foot in front of the knees - in practice I stand a little farther with my feet and well down with my heels, not too much in the bracket). Here are particularly indicated for SAFETY BRACKETS. Soon they will also be available on the TVDM Equestraìan online shop.
In addition to this, I am slightly raised from the saddle, so as to avoid in the most absolute way to receive in full the back from below. This would cause a catapult effect !!
If instead I am cushioning by being lighter, a little raised, I hardly notice.
Then ... already at the first sign ... a snap of the head, a verse, a stiffening or sudden distraction or something ... I have to act! Such as? Claiming something right away! I put my leg and send forward even with the help of the voice or the opposite, I go back a step, I change direction, I ask for a tight turn, in short I demand a firm and immediate commitment! I have to prevent the head from being pulled down between the legs, raising it immediately. As long as the head is high it cannot bend the back, so no rodeo.
With the immediate (and unexpected) request for something I connect the BLIND ATTEMPT with the WORK! I hope to avoid further attempts. If then the horse responds well and avoids the outburst there must be a small prize in the form of a voice (I would avoid the caress because the moment could be exploited to our disadvantage). He was good, but we don't sing victory too soon. When the situation is delicate, it usually doesn't work out in a few minutes, but there is a bit of work to do ... until everything returns to normal and the horse calms down. Then he starts chewing, puffing and relaxing ..... ooooooo ..... That time it took me almost 40 minutes with Layla. But in the end I made it pretty loose and relaxed, but not tired. She would have been ready to work, but at the beginning of her training, 40 minutes seemed enough. We have finished in serenity and tomorrow everything will be wonderful!
Horses are like us, they have good and less good days. The rider only needs to be quiet and not make it a drama or a personal matter. Above all, any such attempt must be eradicated from the beginning, at the root, before it becomes serious. If the horse discovered our weakness or hesitation or managed to unseat us, he would understand that doing so ... knight eliminated = no work!
We are the ones who have to be good, ready and skilled at knowing how to turn qull’s energy into something positive and to make the horse's work enjoyable so that it does not even occur to him that he wants to “get rid of”, indeed.
Layla was very sweet in the end, she reacted very well and never worked well at a gallop like that day. Everything has its positive sides ... it is up to us to recognize and emphasize them.
Greetings and see you soon with another post
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