From a passion, one's profession
Hello everyone!
From now on, once a month, you will find an article on this blog about topics and curiosities concerning the horse and its well-being.
My name is Alice Colli and I'm from Milan.
I don't remember when I started wanting to ride a horse and I don't even know why, but I know that as soon as the riding allowed me (I was 8), I started to ride and from that moment I never stopped. Maybe I had some moments of pause to concentrate more on the study but the passion always made me return to this fantastic world.
I graduated with full marks in Breeding and Animal Welfare with a thesis on equines and during the last year of the course I did an internship at the Arabian horse farm “Capecci Arabian Training Center” and another internship at the specialized Ippovet clinic in the care and reproduction of horses.
After graduating, I attended and completed the Eliana Speziale course to become Equiter, an equine masseur.
Currently, in addition to working as a masseur, I am attending a course to become a horse physiotherapist, to complete my professional knowledge.
You will have understood that the well-being of the horses is very important to me and I will try to let you know everything I know and am passionate about this topic.
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