All about the Equine Centaur Reproduction Center -CREC
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Equine Centauro Reproduction Center -CREC-, born in 2011, since the beginning has distinguished itself as a veterinary center specialized in the field of equine reproduction. The structure, located on the outskirts of Rome, has been created inspired by respect for animal welfare.
The structure, located on the outskirts of Rome, has been created inspired by respect for animal welfare.
The area dedicated to insulation takes on particular importance as it allows on the one hand the gradual insertion of new arrivals and on the other protects the horses already present on the farm.
Developed over a total area of approximately 40 hectares, the structure is divided into three main areas:
- The central area houses the veterinary clinic, the main core of the smaller boxes and paddocks.
- The area adjacent to the clinic is characterized by the presence of wider paddocks, for the management of horses in packs and by an additional core of boxes.
- In the most peripheral sector there is an area dedicated to the important phase of isolation.
Veterinary clinic
Produced in compliance with European regulations on equine reproduction, it offers laboratories capable of performing all the most significant steps in assisted reproduction techniques (artificial insemination with refrigerated and frozen semen, embryo transfer, refrigerated and frozen semen production, seed storage and distribution equine and birth assistance).
Reception and receptivity
The CREC is able to accommodate up to 150 horses, guaranteeing them continuous assistance thanks to the presence of veterinary doctors 24 hours a day. Particular care is also given to feeding the horses, with choices selected according to the specific nutritional needs of each.
The area dedicated to insulation takes on particular importance as it allows on the one hand the gradual insertion of new arrivals and on the other protects the horses already present on the farm.
Artificial insemination with fresh, chilled and frozen seed. The center possesses know-how and adequate equipment to manage every single phase of the reproductive cycle of the mares present at the facility.
It is equipped with an authorized laboratory and two examination rooms with special beams, one of which has the foal area so as not to remove the foal from its mother.
Monitoring and management of the pregnant mare: the pregnant mares are subjected to check scans both by transrectal and abdominal route so as to identify in a timely manner any abnormalities affecting the fetus and the placenta, so as to intervene with pharmacological treatments where required.
During pregnancy, routine vaccination procedures are administered.
Particular attention is paid to the energy needs of the mare, especially in the last trimester of pregnancy. Food supplements are then made to cope with fetal growth and in preparation for lactation.
Assistance during childbirt
The Center is equipped with a foal alert and a video surveillance system for delivery rooms that allow you to identify the clinical signs of childbirth and follow it meticulously in all its phases. Particular attention is devoted to the first hours of life of the foal that is monitored so that the risks of any neonatal problems are reduced.
The structure also has a colostrum bank to be used in cases where the colostrum produced by the mare should not be of good quality.
Neonatology unit: the structure is equipped with a neonatology unit, aimed at giving veterinary assistance to foals, both born on the farm and reported in the center, affected by different pathological conditions and for which a constant presence and veterinary assistance is required. An intensive care room is available which has a continuous infusion pump, oxygen concentrator, and the possibility of evaluating blood parameters in real time.
Embryo tansfer: The center offers the possibility to follow the donor mare in all the phases of the Embryo Transfer, from the synchronization of the receiving mares with the donor to the embryonic washing up to the transfer. Embryo Transfer is an assisted reproduction technique
Semen freezing, storage and distribution: The Center has large boxes and paddocks dedicated to the management of stallions residing at the facility during the breeding and storage
at our authorized address.
Boarding horses: The Center is equipped with numerous boxes and large paddocks to offer a pension service for horses of any age: foals, mares, horses paused from sporting activities. The customer can choose between a box / paddock management or an insertion in a pack.
To assist the activity of the CREC staff since the beginning is Dr. Bianca Clarizia, the founder of the Breeding. Bianca graduated in veterinary medicine at the University of Parma, following an internship in equine reproduction in Emilia, specializing in assisted reproduction techniques at Hartmann's Equine Reproduction Center in Whitesbro, Texas (USA).
During her US experience, Dr. Bianca Clarizia actively collaborates with Dr. Hartman, known as one of the most experienced veterinarians in the industry. In this way Bianca has the possibility to deepen the knowledge on equine reproduction to the point of becoming in turn a point of reference for the sector in Italy and laying the foundations for the development of the CREC project.
Together with Dr. Bianca Clarizia, Dr. Martina Campo is a veterinarian.
Graduated in Veterinary Medicine with 110 cum laude from the University of Parma in 2014, she obtained the qualification for the veterinary profession in the same year.
During the years of study he held a period of practical training at the clinics of the University of Hannover in Germany.
In 2015, she completed an internship at the Equina Centauro-CREC Reproduction Center and in the same year she completed an externship at the Weatherford Equine Clinic in Texas (USA). He collaborates as a veterinarian with the CREC since 2016.
Strada Cesurni, 643 00011, Tivoli Terme (RM)
Mail: [email protected]
Instagram: crec_veterinary_center
Facebook: CREC - Allevamento Centauro
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